05 April 2007

Major Changes In The Iraq Embed Opportunity - We Remain Determined

We have heard from the DoD today who notified us that the Iraq embed trip has been "indefinitely postponed". Upon further conversation with Mr. Holt with the Deparment of Defense, I understand the trip, via military transport, is now off the table due to "operational requirements". This is a new program born in an ever-changing environment; I certainly understand how this can happen. In order to be embedded in Iraq, I will have to go via commercial flight. Our contact for the embed is also changing and I am awaiting that new information. When I make the first contact with them, I will have much more to report in the way of details and possible dates.

It seems likely that RedState will go forward even with this restructure as they have exceeded their fund-raising goals. I have tried writing them to get more information but they have yet to respond to either of my messages. I will state here what I would have said to RedState. If this hurdle in the plans to go to Iraq does not stop or delay you, we are happy for you, be safe, and for the sake of the medium, it is our hope that you make a respectable blogger/new media showing.

But because it is imperative to have the liberal blogger voice coming out of Iraq...We are soon to be there as well. I am moving forward with my plans to go to Iraq. Given that the time frame appears to be at least 60 days out, Alex with the
GTL will likely go as well. The one major benefit to this change is that my trip to Iraq is no longer date specific so I have the time I need to prepare.

I plan to post another update within 2 days. Please look for the joint C'est Moi / GTL fund-raising launch and consider supporting our efforts to put an objective citizen media voice on the ground in Iraq.

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